hello? anyone out there? interesting. nothing. echo...?
well then, since no one's listening, allow me to ramble...
its 2006 and about time i started writing things down. at 28 years and 8 months, am I too old of a dog to teach a new trick? will this fad eventually become passe? has it already?
lets begin by establishing why i'm here:
1. to become some sort of "writer" - since I've only recently become a "reader", I thought it to be an interesting challenge to see if I could also write.
2. to document my life. this is the real reason. I can look back upon too many events of my life and not remember enough about them. Withough a personal paparazzi following me around all day, its up to me to document my life.
3. the documentation will provide a platform to reflect on the past, and also forecast and prepare for the future. They say the best indicator of the future is the past. Am I really as exciting of a person as I think I am? Or will I finally come to grips with my measley existence?
4. to provide a platform to share my photos. I have no formal education in photoraphy, I carry a rather nice point and shoot. With these minimal tools and my keen eye, Ive been able to put together some nice shots. It something I love doing, and sharing.
Ok, lets not get too overboard on the first night... goodnight.
These are the question I seek to answer by "blogging"